Purple Unicorn Media

Registered Publisher

Purple Unicorn Media is a publisher, registered with Nielsen, owning a tranche of ISBNs and promoting a stable of books. We are here to get you into trade catalogues and bookstores, and have your work archived at the National Libraries.

Purple Unicorn Media will :-
- proof and edit your book
- assign a professional ISBN to each version of it
- register it with Nielsen for entry into trade catalogues
- send Legal Deposit copies to the National Libraries
- promote across our social media platforms

REOPENING FOR SUBMISSIONS - Purple Unicorn Media is now OPEN for Submissions of POETRY only - small collections/anthologies preferred. We will reopen for literature, philosophy, and children's books in the Summer of 2025.

Purple Unicorn Media

To query and submit to Purple Unicorn Media, see:-

How to Publish

Querying The Right Imprint

Purple Unicorn Media & Scimitar Edge

Purple Unicorn Media
Query info@purpleunicornmedia.com

Purple Unicorn Media specialises in:-
- Poetry
- Travel
- Art
- Light Fantasy
- General Literature, including Romance

Scimitar Edge
Query editor@scimitaredge.com

Scimitar Edge specialises in :-
- Alternate History
- History & Biography
- Science Fiction including Cyberpunk, Steampunk etc.
- Historical Fiction
- Urban & Epic Fantasy

Brian G. Davies

R.I.P. Dad - Brian G. Davies

My father, Brian Gwilym Davies, sadly passed away in January 2022. He was a strong supporter of Purple Unicorn Media, and an initial investor. We worked for over two years on bringing his memoirs to print, and though he was able to see a printed proof, they were sadly published posthumously two weeks after he died.

Buy    'A Road So Travelled'

Our Books and Authors

Purple Unicorn Media


Somewhere Between Heart and Hands by Pete Collins is a great new poetry collection.

Dino Dang Doodle by the late Richard Stephenson is a fun collection of childrens/teenagers poetry about a whole range of dinosaurs.

Dancers of The Mind by Grey Wolf is a final poetry retrospective, including some of his earliest poems.


Pirate Spring by Gary Beck

Paradox of Poetry by the late Gill Bazovsky

The Ironmongers Counter by Steve Ferris

Please note that owing to Stephen Kellegher's sad passing away, his new book 'PPP and P' (a mixture of pictures, poetry, prose and puzzles) is no longer forthcoming. With his niece's permission we have republished 'To Bangladesh and Back', with all royalties going to the Stroke Association.

For a full list of Purple Unicorn Media's books, click here:-

Purple Unicorn Media Books

For an overview of Purple Unicorn Media's authors, click here:-

Purple Unicorn Media Authors

Purple Unicorn Authors