To Bangladesh and Back
by Stephen Kellegher

To Bangladesh And Back
Travelogue and Journal by Stephen Kellegher
ISBN (Paperback): 978-1910718070
ISBN (Kindle) : 978-1-910718-09-4
This book you are about to read is a day to day account of the things I did, the things I ate, but most of all the people I met when I went to Bangladesh for a holiday. It tells of when I was feeling fit as a fiddle to being sick as a dog. Also being brought to the brink of tears through happiness and sadness, to me it was like stepping back in time, none of the modern appliances like washing machines or things like that, the roads and the shops were not very modern either, no shelf stacking order whatsoever, if it fits it goes there, even the people seem to come from the past too.
Many times during the holiday the things people would do or say would take me back to when I was younger with things like, going to the neighbours for your mum when you wanted your dinner or tea, nowadays many of the people won't even know the next door neighbour, all throughout the holiday I can only recall one or two fights which is not bad for a three month stay. The book also give the weather and the places I stopped and the houses I visited, all in all I hope you, who are about to open it have as much fun reading it as I had living it and also I hope you get the chance to do what I did and it will be something you will always remember forever.

To Bangladesh And Back was withdrawn from sale, after the sad death of Stephen Kellegher in July 2022. Stock copies are held by Purple Unicorn Media, and can be requested by emailing
By kind permission of his heir, we are now in a position to republish the paperback version, with all royalties being donated to the Stroke Assocition. It can be purchased:-
Paperback (Amazon UK): 978-1910718070
Paperback ( 978-1910718070

Stephen Kellegher
Steve sadly passed away in July 2022, and all versions of his book were withdrawn from sale, but we have permission from his heir to relist the paperback, with all royalties being donated to the Stroke Association.
Steve wrote:-
I am a self-taught writer and artist born and brought up in Lancashire in the North of England, and from leaving school got the travelling bug. From school to the Isle of Man, home after season, back to the Isle of Man, home after season, a weekend at the races in France, then up to Cumbria and a trip to Bangladesh, back home, then into Wales to let the Brecon Beacons give me some inspiration for the time-being.
Keep the Faith
Stephen Kellegher
You can view a selection of Stephen Kellegher's art at
and on Twitter at @Joe_Kellegher