
Steve McAuliffe


A recurring theme to be found within his poems is a distinct distrust of the monolithic State and all its attendant media mouthpieces. Yet also there is an unshakeable belief in the enormous power and potential of the individual. Thus a grim South London concrete hell peopled with violent skinhead thugs can transform itself into a kind of stargate - offering transcendent escape. Just as Blake witnessed angels in the trees of Peckham Rye, so does the poet burst through the concrete hell of a brutalist housing estate and encounter Beatrice and Dante in an unexpected visit to the underworld.

The hypocrisy of the media, the banality of life, the treachery and deceit of politicians, all is cut through with the belief in the possibility of transcending, of flying, of awakening. And humour.

Thamesmead is available to buy in paperback, and Kindle

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Purple Unicorn Authors